Kidz Church
Kidz’ Church takes place during the Sunday morning 10:30am worship service. It is for those five years of age to Grade 6. Partway through the worship service, children are dismissed. Sometimes the material used in Kidz' Church is based on the same material as the morning Worship Service. As Christmas approaches, Kidz' Church begins rehearsals for the Christmas Play which takes place the second Sunday of December during the morning worship service. We may play a game or go Fworshupoutside during nicer weather. As snacks are served, please let us know of any allergy or medical concerns. Parents are always welcome to keep their children in the service if they prefer. This sometimes helps with their transition to the regular morning worship service.
Kidz’ Church is an easy way for children to become accustomed to the rhythms of the Christian life. It's a time for children of all ages to be able to fellowship together, which helps build the body of believers. A lot of spiritual growth has occurred and friendships have developed as a result of Kidz' Church!
To be a place of safety where youth can come and find rest and help. Recognizing that youth can live lives filled with pain, Centennial Park Baptist Church is a safe place for them to come! To be a place where youth can come and be CARED for, not just entertained!
Centennial Park Baptist Church is equipped with a gym and attached kitchen (not pictured) for youth and other special events.
Centennial Park Baptist Church is equipped with a game room for youth. Not pictured here is a video game station in the corner.

Whatever your age, interest or needs, or whether you are single, a parent or a young person, there is an activity and a group of friendly people who will make you feel welcome.